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I am new to Glance. And I have a quesiton, what is the difference between the toal cpu usage and cpu usage in processes list?

For example:

enter image description here

CPU usage of PID 9303 is 100%, but in top left corner, the total cpu usage shows only 3.9%,why?

And doeswould it cause any problem to server if the cpu usage of any process is almost 100% ?

I am new to Glance. And I have a quesiton, what is the difference between the toal cpu usage and cpu usage in processes list?

For example:

enter image description here

CPU usage of PID 9303 is 100%, but in top left corner, the total cpu usage shows only 3.9%,why?

And does it cause any problem to server if the cpu usage of any process is almost 100% ?

I am new to Glance. And I have a quesiton, what is the difference between the toal cpu usage and cpu usage in processes list?

For example:

enter image description here

CPU usage of PID 9303 is 100%, but in top left corner, the total cpu usage shows only 3.9%,why?

And would it cause any problem to server if the cpu usage of any process is almost 100% ?

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What is the difference between the toaltotal cpu usage and cpu usage in processes list?

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What is the difference between the toal cpu usage and cpu usage in processes list?

I am new to Glance. And I have a quesiton, what is the difference between the toal cpu usage and cpu usage in processes list?

For example:

enter image description here

CPU usage of PID 9303 is 100%, but in top left corner, the total cpu usage shows only 3.9%,why?

And does it cause any problem to server if the cpu usage of any process is almost 100% ?