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PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

Originally mount the hdd = When I 1st connected the 2 hdd's to the computer before doing any other steps afterwards; the number 1 thing I did after starting the computer.

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/ (destination hdd which was only hdd mounted)

GPT PMBR size mismatch (3907029167 != 3906996399) will be corrected by write.
Disk /dev/mapper/ 1.8 TiB, 2000382156800 bytes, 3906996400 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 33553920 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Device                     Boot Start        End    Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/mapper/          1 3906996399 3906996399  1.8T ee GPT

Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.

PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

Originally mount the hdd = When I 1st connected the 2 hdd's to the computer before doing any other steps afterwards; the number 1 thing I did after starting the computer.

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

Originally mount the hdd = When I 1st connected the 2 hdd's to the computer before doing any other steps afterwards; the number 1 thing I did after starting the computer.

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/mapper/ (destination hdd which was only hdd mounted)

GPT PMBR size mismatch (3907029167 != 3906996399) will be corrected by write.
Disk /dev/mapper/ 1.8 TiB, 2000382156800 bytes, 3906996400 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 33553920 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Device                     Boot Start        End    Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/mapper/          1 3906996399 3906996399  1.8T ee GPT

Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.
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PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

Originally mount the hdd = When I 1st connected the 2 hdd's to the computer before doing any other steps afterwards; the number 1 thing I did after starting the computer.

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

Originally mount the hdd = When I 1st connected the 2 hdd's to the computer before doing any other steps afterwards; the number 1 thing I did after starting the computer.

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

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PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/diskname"" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/4tbboo.goldboo /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/diskname" 

whereby the destination hdd was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

PURPOSE: Determine why the hdd will not mount after creating a duplicate hdd out of it.

Host hdd:

Destination hdd:

I used the following command to make the duplicate

"sudo dd if=/dev/sdx bs=16M of=/dev/mapper/" 

whereby the destination hdd ("of...") was mounted before running that command.

I used the following command to originally mount the hdd b/f duplication, and then again when trying to mount the hdd after duplication:

"sudo mount /dev/mapper/ /mnt"

... The duplicating finished, but now the hdd shows up in lsblk, opens with cryptsetup, but will not mount.

Common error message: "bad superblock, wrong fs type, bad..."

UPDATE: "sudo fsck /dev/sdx" = fsck from util-linux 2.33.1

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