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I'm looking to get some assistance in untangling the mess that is a data entry and summary spreadsheet I've had for the last few years in LibreOffice Calc. The general layout of the spreadsheet's relevant parts are as follows:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A    |B    |...  |L    |
|Date |Name |...  |Value|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...  |E           |G                       |
|Name |...  |Total Values|Values from last 90 days|

At the moment, everything works, but I wish to add a new function to the Summary sheet, which is column G. Column E runs a complex formula to search the Data Entry sheet for every row where cells in Summary column A match cells in Data Entry column B. Here is that formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Data Entry'.$B$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.B"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)=A1)*ISNUMBER('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)),('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)))

This is an absolutely confusing mess, I know. I'll attempt to simplify the formula below:


What I was wondering is how I could modify this formula for Summary column G, where its search would only be limited to the last 90 days.

An example of what I should see:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A       |B    |...|L|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...|E|G|

EDIT: The following gives me a 502 error:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Data Entry'.$B$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.B"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)=A6)*ISNUMBER('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2))*('Data Entry'.A3:"'Data Entry'.A"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2>TODAY()-91),('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2))*('Data Entry'.A3:"'Data Entry'.A"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2>TODAY()-91))

I'm looking to get some assistance in untangling the mess that is a data entry and summary spreadsheet I've had for the last few years in LibreOffice Calc. The general layout of the spreadsheet's relevant parts are as follows:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A    |B    |...  |L    |
|Date |Name |...  |Value|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...  |E           |G                       |
|Name |...  |Total Values|Values from last 90 days|

At the moment, everything works, but I wish to add a new function to the Summary sheet, which is column G. Column E runs a complex formula to search the Data Entry sheet for every row where cells in Summary column A match cells in Data Entry column B. Here is that formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Data Entry'.$B$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.B"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)=A1)*ISNUMBER('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)),('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)))

This is an absolutely confusing mess, I know. I'll attempt to simplify the formula below:


What I was wondering is how I could modify this formula for Summary column G, where its search would only be limited to the last 90 days.

An example of what I should see:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A       |B    |...|L|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...|E|G|

I'm looking to get some assistance in untangling the mess that is a data entry and summary spreadsheet I've had for the last few years in LibreOffice Calc. The general layout of the spreadsheet's relevant parts are as follows:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A    |B    |...  |L    |
|Date |Name |...  |Value|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...  |E           |G                       |
|Name |...  |Total Values|Values from last 90 days|

At the moment, everything works, but I wish to add a new function to the Summary sheet, which is column G. Column E runs a complex formula to search the Data Entry sheet for every row where cells in Summary column A match cells in Data Entry column B. Here is that formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Data Entry'.$B$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.B"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)=A1)*ISNUMBER('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)),('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)))

This is an absolutely confusing mess, I know. I'll attempt to simplify the formula below:


What I was wondering is how I could modify this formula for Summary column G, where its search would only be limited to the last 90 days.

An example of what I should see:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A       |B    |...|L|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...|E|G|

EDIT: The following gives me a 502 error:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Data Entry'.$B$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.B"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)=A6)*ISNUMBER('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2))*('Data Entry'.A3:"'Data Entry'.A"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2>TODAY()-91),('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2))*('Data Entry'.A3:"'Data Entry'.A"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2>TODAY()-91))
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Displaying values in a spreadsheet up to X days away from current date

I'm looking to get some assistance in untangling the mess that is a data entry and summary spreadsheet I've had for the last few years in LibreOffice Calc. The general layout of the spreadsheet's relevant parts are as follows:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A    |B    |...  |L    |
|Date |Name |...  |Value|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...  |E           |G                       |
|Name |...  |Total Values|Values from last 90 days|

At the moment, everything works, but I wish to add a new function to the Summary sheet, which is column G. Column E runs a complex formula to search the Data Entry sheet for every row where cells in Summary column A match cells in Data Entry column B. Here is that formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Data Entry'.$B$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.B"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)=A1)*ISNUMBER('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)),('Data Entry'.$L$3:INDIRECT("'Data Entry'.L"&'Data Entry'.$A$1+2)))

This is an absolutely confusing mess, I know. I'll attempt to simplify the formula below:


What I was wondering is how I could modify this formula for Summary column G, where its search would only be limited to the last 90 days.

An example of what I should see:

Sheet: "Data Entry"

|A       |B    |...|L|

Sheet: "Summary"

|A    |...|E|G|