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If the .iso contains all the right software, correctly configured, to boot a Mac from a flash drive (see note at bottom of this Answer), then you can do this:

  1. Convert the .iso to a .dmg:

    hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o filename.dmg filename.iso

  2. Connect your USB drive to your Mac.

  3. Make sure you've got all the data you care about off of all partitions/volumes of the entire drive.

  4. Use the output of this command to figure out which disk # your USB drive shows up as:

    diskutil list

    You're looking for an identifier like /dev/diskN.


  1. Unmount all volumes from this disk to prepare it to be overwritten

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

  2. Use dd to write the .dmg to the flash drive (note that we need the "rdisk" version of the disk device for this command; don't forget the 'r'!)

    sudo dd if=filename.dmg of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m

  3. Eject the disk so we can use it somewhere else:

    diskutil eject /dev/diskN

Note that if your .iso is set to boot like an ISO9660 CD-ROM instead of a hard drive, there's a Perl script called "" that you can run against your .iso to make it capable of hybrid booting (like either a CD-ROM or a hard drive). So you may need to run that against your .iso before you do any of the steps above.

I have successfully performed these steps on a "System Rescue CD" bootable Linux .iso and booted MacBooks from it.

If the .iso contains all the right software, correctly configured, to boot a Mac a flash drive (see note at bottom of this Answer), then you can do this:

  1. Convert the .iso to a .dmg:

    hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o filename.dmg filename.iso

  2. Connect your USB drive to your Mac.

  3. Make sure you've got all the data you care about off of all partitions/volumes of the entire drive.

  4. Use the output of this command to figure out which disk # your USB drive shows up as:

    diskutil list

    You're looking for an identifier like /dev/diskN.


  1. Unmount all volumes from this disk to prepare it to be overwritten

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

  2. Use dd to write the .dmg to the flash drive (note that we need the "rdisk" version of the disk device for this command; don't forget the 'r'!)

    sudo dd if=filename.dmg of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m

  3. Eject the disk so we can use it somewhere else:

    diskutil eject /dev/diskN

Note that if your .iso is set to boot like an ISO9660 CD-ROM instead of a hard drive, there's a Perl script called "" that you can run against your .iso to make it capable of hybrid booting (like either a CD-ROM or a hard drive). So you may need to run that against your .iso before you do any of the steps above.

I have successfully performed these steps on a "System Rescue CD" bootable Linux .iso and booted MacBooks from it.

If the .iso contains all the right software, correctly configured, to boot a Mac from a flash drive (see note at bottom of this Answer), then you can do this:

  1. Convert the .iso to a .dmg:

    hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o filename.dmg filename.iso

  2. Connect your USB drive to your Mac.

  3. Make sure you've got all the data you care about off of all partitions/volumes of the entire drive.

  4. Use the output of this command to figure out which disk # your USB drive shows up as:

    diskutil list

    You're looking for an identifier like /dev/diskN.


  1. Unmount all volumes from this disk to prepare it to be overwritten

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

  2. Use dd to write the .dmg to the flash drive (note that we need the "rdisk" version of the disk device for this command; don't forget the 'r'!)

    sudo dd if=filename.dmg of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m

  3. Eject the disk so we can use it somewhere else:

    diskutil eject /dev/diskN

Note that if your .iso is set to boot like an ISO9660 CD-ROM instead of a hard drive, there's a Perl script called "" that you can run against your .iso to make it capable of hybrid booting (like either a CD-ROM or a hard drive). So you may need to run that against your .iso before you do any of the steps above.

I have successfully performed these steps on a "System Rescue CD" bootable Linux .iso and booted MacBooks from it.

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If the .iso contains all the right software, correctly configured, to boot a Mac a flash drive (see note at bottom of this Answer), then you can do this:

  1. Convert the .iso to a .dmg:

    hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o filename.dmg filename.iso

  2. Connect your USB drive to your Mac.

  3. Make sure you've got all the data you care about off of all partitions/volumes of the entire drive.

  4. Use the output of this command to figure out which disk # your USB drive shows up as:

    diskutil list

    You're looking for an identifier like /dev/diskN.


  1. Unmount all volumes from this disk to prepare it to be overwritten

    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskN

  2. Use dd to write the .dmg to the flash drive (note that we need the "rdisk" version of the disk device for this command; don't forget the 'r'!)

    sudo dd if=filename.dmg of=/dev/rdiskN bs=1m

  3. Eject the disk so we can use it somewhere else:

    diskutil eject /dev/diskN

Note that if your .iso is set to boot like an ISO9660 CD-ROM instead of a hard drive, there's a Perl script called "" that you can run against your .iso to make it capable of hybrid booting (like either a CD-ROM or a hard drive). So you may need to run that against your .iso before you do any of the steps above.

I have successfully performed these steps on a "System Rescue CD" bootable Linux .iso and booted MacBooks from it.