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Peter Mortensen
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List Mapped Network Drivesmapped network drives from the command line to text file

Is there a command that can be used from the command line to output a list of the mapped network drives on the local system and their location on the network to a txttext file? 

This will only be used on Windows-based systems running XPWindows XP.

List Mapped Network Drives from command line to text file

Is there a command that can be used from the command line to output a list of the mapped network drives on the local system and their location on the network to a txt file? This will only be used on Windows-based systems running XP.

List mapped network drives from the command line to text file

Is there a command that can be used from the command line to output a list of the mapped network drives on the local system and their location on the network to a text file? 

This will only be used on Windows-based systems running Windows XP.

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Oliver Salzburg
  • 88k
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