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I have three Local Netwrok PCs, 2 on Windows 10 Pro Ver 1803 and 1 on Windows 10 Home version 1803. There's a clean install on 1 Pro machine, and update from Win 7 on the other 2. All
All machines run local accounts, one local user with no password and the built in administrator account (Net User Administrator /Active:yes), see more on that below. The good is that both accounts on the Home PC can access folders on both Pro PCs. The
The Pro machine with a clean install also works ok. The
The Updated Pro gave the 0x80070035 error on Local user account without password. Like you I've followed all net searches and most advice. File
File explore maps the other PC's, but not their disks or folders. Likewise, Ping confirms the connection. Other than enabling the correct settings for Advanced Sharing, nothing else needed to be done on the 2 problem free PC's, except obviously ensuring folders had correct permissions and sharing. I
I did a clean install on the problem Pro machine. Same - Same error. Then I
I then enabled the built in administrator's acct andadministrator account (Net User Administrator /Active:yes), The good news is that the problem went away when logged on as Administrator only. The
The error code persists with the local user account. This suggests a permission or policy configuration issue. The Services and settings on both Pro machines are identical. My
My search for a fix continues.

I have three Local Netwrok PCs, 2 on Windows 10 Pro Ver 1803 and 1 on Windows 10 Home version 1803. There's a clean install on 1 Pro machine, and update from Win 7 on the other 2. All machines run local accounts, one local user with no password and the built in administrator account (Net User Administrator /Active:yes), see more on that below. The good is that both accounts on the Home PC can access folders on both Pro PCs. The Pro machine with a clean install also works ok. The Updated Pro gave the 0x80070035 error on Local user account without password. Like you I've followed all net searches and most advice. File explore maps the other PC's, but not their disks or folders. Likewise, Ping confirms the connection. Other than enabling the correct settings for Advanced Sharing, nothing else needed to be done on the 2 problem free PC's, except obviously ensuring folders had correct permissions and sharing. I did a clean install on the problem Pro machine. Same error. Then I enabled the built in administrator's acct and the problem went away when logged on as Administrator only. The error code persists with the local user account. This suggests a permission or policy configuration issue. The Services and settings on both Pro machines are identical. My search for a fix continues.


I have three Local Netwrok PCs, 2 on Windows 10 Pro Ver 1803 and 1 on Windows 10 Home version 1803. There's a clean install on 1 Pro machine, and update from Win 7 on the other 2.
All machines run local accounts, one local user with no password and the built in administrator account (Net User Administrator /Active:yes), see more on that below. The good is that both accounts on the Home PC can access folders on both Pro PCs.
The Pro machine with a clean install also works ok.
The Updated Pro gave the 0x80070035 error on Local user account without password. Like you I've followed all net searches and most advice.
File explore maps the other PC's, but not their disks or folders. Likewise, Ping confirms the connection. Other than enabling the correct settings for Advanced Sharing, nothing else needed to be done on the 2 problem free PC's, except obviously ensuring folders had correct permissions and sharing.
I did a clean install on problem Pro machine - Same error.
I then enabled the built in administrator account (Net User Administrator /Active:yes), The good news is that the problem went away when logged on as Administrator only.
The error code persists with the local user account. This suggests a permission or policy configuration issue. The Services and settings on both Pro machines are identical.
My search for a fix continues.

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I have three Local Netwrok PCs, 2 on Windows 10 Pro Ver 1803 and 1 on Windows 10 Home version 1803. There's a clean install on 1 Pro machine, and update from Win 7 on the other 2. All machines run local accounts, one local user with no password and the built in administrator account (Net User Administrator /Active:yes), see more on that below. The good is that both accounts on the Home PC can access folders on both Pro PCs. The Pro machine with a clean install also works ok. The Updated Pro gave the 0x80070035 error on Local user account without password. Like you I've followed all net searches and most advice. File explore maps the other PC's, but not their disks or folders. Likewise, Ping confirms the connection. Other than enabling the correct settings for Advanced Sharing, nothing else needed to be done on the 2 problem free PC's, except obviously ensuring folders had correct permissions and sharing. I did a clean install on the problem Pro machine. Same error. Then I enabled the built in administrator's acct and the problem went away when logged on as Administrator only. The error code persists with the local user account. This suggests a permission or policy configuration issue. The Services and settings on both Pro machines are identical. My search for a fix continues.