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C Bauer
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I have an excel graph that displays price over time for a cloud service account, but I'd like to add on to it events that would change the pricing (ex: "Discontinued vm operation" or "cleared out unused files")

The data series is based on the azure invoice output, but the events do not coincide with the X-series data points. Example: Azure is billing me on the 4th of the month every month for 12 total data points, but the events can happen on any given day.

The top graph below is what I have now, the bottom is what I want: enter image description hereWhat I got vs what I want

This is the data I'm working with:

Overall Price

Overall Price



I have an excel graph that displays price over time for a cloud service account, but I'd like to add on to it events that would change the pricing (ex: "Discontinued vm operation" or "cleared out unused files")

The data series is based on the azure invoice output, but the events do not coincide with the X-series data points. Example: Azure is billing me on the 4th of the month every month for 12 total data points, but the events can happen on any given day. enter image description here

I have an excel graph that displays price over time for a cloud service account, but I'd like to add on to it events that would change the pricing (ex: "Discontinued vm operation" or "cleared out unused files")

The data series is based on the azure invoice output, but the events do not coincide with the X-series data points. Example: Azure is billing me on the 4th of the month every month for 12 total data points, but the events can happen on any given day.

The top graph below is what I have now, the bottom is what I want: What I got vs what I want

This is the data I'm working with:

Overall Price

Overall Price



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C Bauer
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Add "Events" to a Time-Series Line Graph (Vertical line or x-y scatter)

I have an excel graph that displays price over time for a cloud service account, but I'd like to add on to it events that would change the pricing (ex: "Discontinued vm operation" or "cleared out unused files")

The data series is based on the azure invoice output, but the events do not coincide with the X-series data points. Example: Azure is billing me on the 4th of the month every month for 12 total data points, but the events can happen on any given day. enter image description here