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Added link and detail from linked answer; improved formatting and punctuation; tweaked wording (deleted fluffy ending).
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I tried every remedy to the icon scrambling problem documented in perhaps a dozen relevant threads. Nothing  Nothing worked. Then, I tried the export     / import  import trick mentioned in the prior messageBen Lavender’s answer. This didn't  This didn’t work either. Noteither; not at first. But  But then a strange notion popped into my head. I added  I added a slight twist gleaned from another conversation. To  To my delight, the slightly revised procedure worked. Here's  Here’s the exact sequence of operations:

  1. Export the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop key (as specified abovein Ben Lavender’s answer).
  2. Arrange the desktop with appropriately-sized icons in their desired locations.
  3. Right click and select REFRESH“Refresh” from the local menu.
  4. Import the saved registry key.

Step #3 made all the difference between failure and success.

HTH some of the folks who have struggled with this vexing problem.

I tried every remedy to the icon scrambling problem documented in perhaps a dozen relevant threads. Nothing worked. Then, I tried the export  / import trick mentioned in the prior message. This didn't work either. Not at first. But then a strange notion popped into my head. I added a slight twist gleaned from another conversation. To my delight, the slightly revised procedure worked. Here's the exact sequence of operations:

  1. Export the key specified above.
  2. Arrange the desktop with appropriately-sized icons in their desired locations.
  3. Right click and select REFRESH from the local menu.
  4. Import the saved registry key.

Step #3 made all the difference between failure and success.

HTH some of the folks who have struggled with this vexing problem.

I tried every remedy to the icon scrambling problem documented in perhaps a dozen relevant threads.  Nothing worked. Then, I tried the export   /  import trick mentioned in Ben Lavender’s answer.  This didn’t work either; not at first.  But then a strange notion popped into my head.  I added a slight twist gleaned from another conversation.  To my delight, the slightly revised procedure worked.  Here’s the exact sequence of operations:

  1. Export the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop key (as specified in Ben Lavender’s answer).
  2. Arrange the desktop with appropriately-sized icons in their desired locations.
  3. Right click and select “Refresh” from the local menu.
  4. Import the saved registry key.

Step #3 made all the difference between failure and success.

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I tried every remedy to the icon scrambling problem documented in perhaps a dozen relevant threads. Nothing worked. Then, I tried the export / import trick mentioned in the prior message. This didn't work either. Not at first. But then a strange notion popped into my head. I added a slight twist gleaned from another conversation. To my delight, the slightly revised procedure worked. Here's the exact sequence of operations:

  1. Export the key specified above.
  2. Arrange the desktop with appropriately-sized icons in their desired locations.
  3. Right click and select REFRESH from the local menu.
  4. Import the saved registry key.

Step #3 made all the difference between failure and success.

HTH some of the folks who have struggled with this vexing problem.