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I have created two ec2EC2 instances on AWS. I created a key pair for each of them. I downloaded the .pem private keys and converted them into .ppk.ppk format. I can connect to each of my ec2 instances using PuTTY and their .ppk private key. But how do I SSH from one of my ec2 instance to the other? I can ping the Public DNS of either of them from the other. But if I try ssh from one to the other, I get: 'Permission denied (publickey).'

Permission denied (publickey).

I have created two ec2 instances on AWS. I created a key pair for each of them. I downloaded the .pem private keys and converted them into .ppk format. I can connect to each of my ec2 instances using PuTTY and their .ppk private key. But how do I SSH from one of my ec2 instance to the other? I can ping the Public DNS of either of them from the other. But if I try ssh from one to the other, I get: 'Permission denied (publickey).'

I have created two EC2 instances on AWS. I created a key pair for each of them. I downloaded the .pem private keys and converted them into .ppk format. I can connect to each of my ec2 instances using PuTTY and their .ppk private key. But how do I SSH from one of my ec2 instance to the other? I can ping the Public DNS of either of them from the other. But if I try ssh from one to the other, I get:

Permission denied (publickey).

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Stephen Walsh
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How to ssh from one ec2 instance to another?

I have created two ec2 instances on AWS. I created a key pair for each of them. I downloaded the .pem private keys and converted them into .ppk format. I can connect to each of my ec2 instances using PuTTY and their .ppk private key. But how do I SSH from one of my ec2 instance to the other? I can ping the Public DNS of either of them from the other. But if I try ssh from one to the other, I get: 'Permission denied (publickey).'