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I use Shift+Any arrow key to select the text, where arrow keys are UpUp, DownDown, LeftLeft or RightRight.

I use Shift+Any arrow key to select the text, where arrow keys are Up, Down, Left or Right.

I use Shift+Any arrow key to select the text, where arrow keys are Up, Down, Left or Right.

I use Shift+Any arrow keyShift+Any arrow key to select the text. where, where arrow keys are Up, downDown, Left or Right.

I use Shift+Any arrow key to select the text. where, arrow keys are Up, down, Left or Right.

I use Shift+Any arrow key to select the text, where arrow keys are Up, Down, Left or Right.

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I use Shift+Any arrow key to select the text. where, arrow keys are Up, down, Left or Right.