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Questions tagged [process-mediation]

PROCESS is a path analysis modeling macro for estimating mediation, moderation, and conditional processes in regression.

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Parallel Mediation Model Diagram

I am building a parallel mediation model diagram but am not sure what one of the numbers signifies despite 30 minutes of Goolging. The number in question is what's in the parenthesis for the c' path —...
W Hampton's user avatar
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Indirect effect present in separate models but disappears in full mediation analysis

I am wrote my thesis and looking forward to defending it. So my question is about indirect effects through a mediator. I have the following situation: $X$ (parental involvement in education) doesn't ...
Viktorija Urmanavičiūtė's user avatar
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What non-parametric tests can be run to check the mediation analysis, since my data is not normally distributed?

I have two IVs (computed scores from likert scale) and one DV (computed scores from likert scale) IVs are Depression and Anxiety scores and DV is Social Connectedness scores. These are cintnuous. I ...
Muhammad Muneeb -ur-Rehman's user avatar
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Mediation package for R vs Hayes' PROCESS macro?

I am a beginner to mediation, and I am curious about the differences between the mediation package for R and the Hayes' PROCESS macro for R. Do these software work with similar principles or would ...
Kris's user avatar
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Mediation with PROCESS - Why is my b-path insignificant but my lm significant?

I´m currently working on my bachelor's thesis and ran a mediation with PROCESS (Model 4). My IV is self-compassion, my DV is general mental health and my mediator is loneliness. I am a little bit ...
statistic noob 666's user avatar