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PERMANOVA - small and unequal sample sizes

I am comparing fish communities at 2 sites (upstream vs downstream) with data collected in two seasons (wet and dry) over several years (2017-2022), with data from the first pair of wet and dry ...
Reason's user avatar
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Do ANOVA & MANOVA require balanced levels?

I have one independent variable with two levels, or categories, and four dependent variables. When doing a MANOVA or ANOVA test, how important is it for the number of observations in each category to ...
Insu Q's user avatar
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MANOVA with variables from different datasets

I conducted several experiments where I have one underlying independent variable (tree species, IV). Each of these experiments gave me one dependent variable (DV), like bark pH, rugosity or the water-...
bamphe's user avatar
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How to compensate for unequal sample sizes in multivariate tests?

I have several linear and geometric cranial variables of specimens sampled from about 20 different localities. The sample sizes per locality range between 9 – 100. What would be the best multivariate ...
Kennott's user avatar
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Within-Subjects or Between-Subjects MANOVA

I am designing an experiment to test drone pilot reaction time to obstacles introduced to the drone's flight path in a controlled setting. There is one IV with 3 levels, and 3 DV. IV is visual ...
Ross Stephenson's user avatar
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Quasi-experiment: sample size & statistics

I am conducting a quasi-experimental research in a school, where I have access to 100 students who are chosen as classrooms and who will be the participants of the study. I am interested in the ...
Mikkok's user avatar
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Sample size estimation for MANOVA

I am trying to run a replication of a study which used a factorial design (2x2) with three DVs (dependent variables) and subsequently ran three ANOVAs to test their hypotheses. Given that the DVs in ...
timfaber's user avatar
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G*Power-Repeated measures MANOVA "number of measurements" input field

I am trying to calculate the sample size needed with G*Power for my dissertation study. I will be doing a Repeated Measures MANOVA within/between interaction. My question is in the field "number of ...
Shannon's user avatar
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Repeated measures ANOVAs instead of repeated measures MANOVA w/ small N?

I have 3 variables that have been measured on 4 occasions and a sample size of 16. I was considering a repeated measures MANOVA to ascertain if the changes over time were statistically significant. ...
laf's user avatar
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Does the importance of the normality assumption in MANOVA decrease as sample size increases?

Does the importance of the normality assumption in MANOVA decrease as group sample size increases?
mycat's user avatar
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