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Dirichlet Process posterior with partially observed data

Suppose I dipose of a set of independant observed couples $(x_1,y_1),...,(x_N, y_N)$ from a joint distribution $P(x,y)$. Furthermore, I suppose that the random distribution $P$ as a Dirichlet prior $P\...
Elouan's user avatar
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Why use MCMC sampling when using conjugate priors?

I've been getting to grips with some Bayesian modelling, but one thing is confusing the heck out of me when I look at tutorials and worked-through problems online. I'm looking at a problem with a ...
HereItIs's user avatar
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How to use the Dirichlet prior for estimating the multinomial parameters? [closed]

I know that the multinomial distribution gives the likelihood of some vector D of occurrences to happen given a probability vector (parameters) P' i.e. P(D|P'). Now with a Dirichlet prior we are ...
Mosab Shaheen's user avatar
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Predictive Density for Dirichlet Multinomial

I am wondering what the predictive distribution of a Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution is. In this tutorial (page 24), the predictive density is simple and something like "pseudo samples." However, ...
Mou's user avatar
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Sampling from conjugate Dirichlet distribution

Conjugate prior for Dirichlet distribution, as described by Lefkimmiatis, Maragos, and Papandreou (2009; see also here and here), has form $$ f(\boldsymbol{\alpha}) \propto \frac{1}{B(\boldsymbol{\...
Tim's user avatar
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Variance of multinomial and Dirichlet-multinomial distributions

I have an application where I would like to sample from a multinomial distribution, but I am concerned that the variance will be too low. As an alternative, I am considering the Dirichlet-multinomial ...
BLimkins's user avatar
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what is this property? $\int p(x,\pi)d\pi=p(x|E[\pi])$?

Sorry if the title does not make sense, from the answer of this question Mistake in derivation about categorical distribution and Dirichlet distribution? it can be shown that say $p(x|\pi)$ follows ...
dontloo's user avatar
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Mistake in derivation about categorical distribution and Dirichlet distribution?

$p(x|\pi)$ follows the categorical distribution (the multinomial with one observation), where $\sum\pi_i=1$ and $x$ is a one-hot vector, and $p(\pi|\alpha)$ follows the Dirichlet distribution. $p(x|\...
dontloo's user avatar
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Dirichlet conjugate update derivation

I am attempting to derive the update equations for the conjugate to the Dirichlet distribution, as outlined here: ...
sr71's user avatar
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Dirichlet Prior for Multinomial

The Dirichlet function is the conjugate prior of the multinomial. So the posterior is also Dirichlet given some observations. If e.g. I observe the counts $X=(10,3,4)$ from 17 trials (10 for class 1, ...
chris elgoog's user avatar
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Conjugate prior to a Dirichlet sample distribution? [duplicate]

The Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate prior to the multinomial sampling distribution. What is the conjugate prior (if any) if the sampling distribution is itself Dirichlet? That is, our ...
Geoffrey Irving's user avatar
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can Dirichlet prior distribution be larger than 1?

This question is related to my quest of clustering the sequences using mixture Markov modeling. I have trouble understanding Dirichlet priors in the context of MAP-estimate (Mixture Markov Models). ...
zima's user avatar
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How to use prior probability in inferencing from HMM for activity recognition?

I am interested in modelling human activities using sensor data with HMMs and would like to incorporate prior knowledge during inference. The normal procedure is to model K different activities with K ...
Shehroz's user avatar
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Why is the Dirichlet distribution the prior for the multinomial distribution?

In LDA topic model algorithm, I saw this assumption. But I don't know why chose Dirichlet distribution? I don't know if we can use Uniform distribution over Multinomial as a pair?
ColinBinWang's user avatar
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Any actual applications based on "dirichlet distribution servers as a conjugate prior for multinomial distribution"

Conjugate prior is useful and beautiful in theory, for instance, Dirichlet distribution can serves as the conjugate prior for multinomial distribution. But I don't find any actual applications based ...
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