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number of parameters in Dirichlet Mixture Model clustering (non-bayesian)

I made a function that implements the clustering algorithm in the research article "Clustering compositional data using Dirichlet mixture model" (2022). I am now trying to figure out which ...
Immanuel Kunt's user avatar
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Upgrading weight parameters to random variable in Gaussian mixtures

In a Gaussian mixture model we model a density like: $p(\mathbf{x}|\pi,\mu,\sigma)=\sum \pi_i N(\mathbf{x}|\mu_i,\sigma_i)$ [1] where $\pi,\mu$ and $\sigma$ are parameters. I would like to know if the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Understanding short animation about Dirichlet Process Mixture Model

On the wikipedia page of Dirichlet Process, there is the following video. I don't get the point of the video. My first impression was that the video was showing the fitting of one-dimensional data ...
Tommaso Bendinelli's user avatar
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Understanding Dirichlet Process Mixtures

I have been reading a ton of stuff online and have a question about my understanding of Dirichlet Process Mixtures. First some basics on what I understand: Dirichlet Distribution: multivariate ...
ilikecats's user avatar
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Dirichlet process and clustering

How does clustering with a Dirichlet process as prior work? I am confused as to if the parameter $\alpha_i$ $\sim$ DP is found via clustering or is used to cluster. I undestrand how it can be used to ...
John F.'s user avatar
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Truncated Dirichlet process vs Dirichlet distribution

As the topic suggests I was wondering what the main differences are in using one over the other. Suppose for sake of simplicity the Dirichlet distribution has all parameters set to $\alpha$. All I ...
sachinruk's user avatar
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Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes in topic modeling

I think I understand the main ideas of hierarchical dirichlet processes, but I don't understand the specifics of its application in topic modeling. Basically, the idea is that we have the following ...
r_31415's user avatar
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Dirichlet process mixture model with Bayesian hierarchical clustering

I am doing Bayesian hierarchical clustering. From my understanding, there are three basic points for this algorithm. Use marginal likelihoods to decide which clusters to merge Asks what the ...
user3269's user avatar
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Can someone give a simple guide of Dirichlet process clustering?

I am trying to understand the Dirichlet process and Dirichlet process clustering, but because of my lack of knowledge of stochastic process theory and measure theory, I cannot understand what the ...
erogol's user avatar
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Posterior in latent Dirichlet analysis

I have a question regarding LDA (Latent Dirichlet Analysis) - what is the correct formulation of the posterior? In‎ it is $p(\beta_{1:K}, \theta_{...
user1315305's user avatar
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Understanding the construction of Dirichlet process

I'm trying to understand the construction process of DP, however, with little background in measure theory, the original papers are hard to read, but I believe the ideas behind these papers can be ...
fishiwhj's user avatar
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Mixture Models and Dirichlet Process Mixtures (beginner lectures or papers)

In the context of online clustering, I often find many papers talking about: "dirichlet process" and "finite/infinite mixture models". Given that I've never used or read about dirichlet process or ...
shn's user avatar
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The input parameters for using latent Dirichlet allocation

When using topic modeling (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), the number of topics is an input parameter that the user need to specify. Looks to me that we should also provide a collection of candidate ...
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