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3 votes
3 answers

Shouldn't we consider the difference in variance between population and a sample while calculating confidence intervals?

To comprehend the concept of confidence intervals, I came up with an example. I want to share it here for your better understanding what my question is all about. Suppose, we want to figure out what ...
Davie Blain's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How to get confidence interval for the population variance?

I have data that is reasonably assumed to be iid samples from some distribution. Our goal is to put a confidence interval on the population variance. Notationally, we have IID $X_i, i = 1, ..., n$ ...
travelingbones's user avatar
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Evaluating randomized algorithms on randomized problem instances

Suppose we want to compare the performances of two algorithms — call them A and B — on a problem X. In particular, suppose that we want to evaluate the algorithms on random instances of X drawn from ...
beserious's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I confidently state the error of a specific test is within a range with a 95% confidence interval

I have a test that provides values with known amounts of error. For instance the error on the test (Value - TrueValue) = -7.62, -9.33, -8.36, -9.79,-10.45, -9.51, -10.83, -10.64, -9.96, -10.30 I want ...
Jonah Kornberg's user avatar
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Question about confidence intervals and prediction intervals

Considering following linear multiple regression model: \begin{equation} y=X\beta + e, \end{equation} where observations $y\in\Re^n$, coefficents $\beta\in\Re^p$ and $e\sim N(0,\sigma I)$ is a white ...
Stephen Ge's user avatar
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Standard error of estimated sum or product mean

Updated question: Given two sample means ($\bar X, \bar Y$) and sample standard deviations ($S_X, S_Y$) with different sample sizes ($n_X, n_Y$), I want to calculate the standard errors ($SE_\theta, ...
Luka Seamus Wright's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Confusion about confidence interval

So far I understand, confidence interval (for mean) is defined by treating the sample mean as a proxy for population mean and then finding a interval where the true mean will be in certain percentage ...
Rakib's user avatar
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Error bars on log of big numbers

I am calculating a quantity of the following form: $\mu = \log( \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} e^{\phi(X_i)} )$ via MC. $X_i$ are iid and I can sample them. I want to give error bars\ confidence ...
Yair Daon's user avatar
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Interval estimation of $\sigma^2$ with the reliability of $95\%$

I got these values from the measurement by a telescope: 20.1, 20.2, 19.9, 20, 20.5, 20.5, 20, 19.8, 19.9, 20. I know that the actual distance is 20 km and the error of the measurement is not affected ...
user1111261's user avatar