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Became Hot Network Question
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Both the forward algorithm and the forward-backward algorithm are expected to provide a probability for the hidden statestates.

For a live estimate forof the state, does it pay to add latency to the output and to use the forward-backward algorithm rather than the forward algorithm?

How to quantify the estimation improvement?

Both the forward algorithm and the forward-backward algorithm are expected to provide a probability for the hidden state.

For a live estimate for the state, does it pay to add latency to the output and to use the forward-backward algorithm rather than the forward algorithm?

How to quantify the estimation improvement?

Both the forward algorithm and the forward-backward algorithm are expected to provide a probability for the hidden states.

For a live estimate of the state, does it pay to add latency to the output and to use the forward-backward algorithm rather than the forward algorithm?

How to quantify the estimation improvement?

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Forward algorithm vs Forward–backward algorithm

Both the forward algorithm and the forward-backward algorithm are expected to provide a probability for the hidden state.

For a live estimate for the state, does it pay to add latency to the output and to use the forward-backward algorithm rather than the forward algorithm?

How to quantify the estimation improvement?