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A Look Back While Looking Ahead

A Look Back While Looking Ahead

As we prepare for UT to enter the SEC Conference this summer, I thought it would be fun to do a look back at the different conferences in which UT participated and share some photos of great athletes and artifacts as a sort of show and tell. Of course, The University of Texas has a...

June 10, 2024June 10, 2024
March Madness

March Madness

March is a fabulous month. Think about it…it’s the beginning of Spring and nature is renewing itself. The bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and all the beautiful wildflowers are blooming along the highways and byways in Texas, which seem particularly prolific this year. In addition, March is the month where EVERYONE gets to be Irish, at least for a...

March 28, 2024March 28, 2024
Hats Off to the History Makers

Hats Off to the History Makers

The University of Texas Longhorns boast an athletics program rich in traditions and history that transcends the realm of sports. As we celebrate Black History Month, we’ll take a look at groundbreaking moments and trailblazing efforts of a few of UT’s Black history makers who have left an indelible mark on the Longhorn athletic legacy. ...

February 27, 2024February 27, 2024
You Are Here: The Stark Center’s Redesigned Lobby is an Orientation Point for New Visitors

You Are Here: The Stark Center’s Redesigned Lobby is an Orientation Point for New Visitors

It’s a redundant anecdote, but I’ll tell it again. One of the most common phrases spoken by visitors as they step off the elevators and into The Stark Center is, “Wow! I never knew this place existed.” The utterance distinguishes between two types of Stark Center visitors: 1. The already indoctrinated, or folks who are...

October 25, 2023October 30, 2023
The Boys of Yore

The Boys of Yore

Yessir, it’s football season again and I have the pleasure of living in FOOTBALL COUNTRY, a.k.a. TEXAS. Friday night lights are in full swing in the high schools—you can’t drive down any highway or back road in the state of Texas on a Friday night and not see the stadium lights somewhere ahead of you...

September 14, 2023September 14, 2023
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