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Abhijeet Nagre's user avatar
Abhijeet Nagre
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • India
9 votes

Combination of List<List<int>>

5 votes

How to update only one table for model from database with Entity Framework?

3 votes

TransactionScope and "durable resources"

3 votes

Getting pair-set using LINQ

3 votes

Free or Open Source Diagramming Component for WinForms

1 vote

Power pivot running total issue

1 vote

How to prevent C# compiler/CLR from optimizing away unused variables in DEBUG builds?

1 vote

What is the DAX for sum of percentages

1 vote

relationship filter in powerBI or powerpivot

1 vote

MySQL stored procedure call from ASP.NET 2 throws Use Procedure bodies exception

1 vote

MVC 4 postback on Dropdownlist change

1 vote

Private List<> in C# allowing to add items to it

0 votes

Get Duplicates in Range of Numbers

0 votes

How to update many-to-many related objects with Entity framework 1 & MySQL?

0 votes

How to return the minimum date per account for a specific order type

0 votes

Measure to Calculate '% of Grandtotal' for each row using PowerPivot

0 votes

PowerPivot formula for row wise weighted average

0 votes

SSAS Tabular / PowerPivot Date Filters

0 votes

How mature is dblinq?

0 votes

DAX Sum(Value) based on Previous calculation Months

0 votes


0 votes

How do I remedy "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." warning?

0 votes

How to convert a String[] to an IDictionary<String, String>?

0 votes

IIS worker process: Cache % Process Memory Used is more than 100 %, how is this possible?

0 votes

Configuring Enterprise Library 5.0 Data Access Application Block

0 votes

Converting string to byte[] creates zero character

0 votes

openxml bulk find and replace words in a template dotx

0 votes

Visual Studio: How do I show all classes inherited from a base class?

-1 votes

Cannot bind to the target method when creating delegates for properties