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BoboDarph's user avatar
BoboDarph's user avatar
Fat Bastard
  • Member for 7 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
169 votes

How to make a movie out of images in python

21 votes

How to check a SSL certificate expiration date with aiohttp?

3 votes

Unable to open X display with python subprocess and DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY variables set

3 votes

How to iterate over arguments

3 votes

Detect and Fill any Webpage form with Selenium-Python

3 votes

Human datetime diffs with Pendulum

3 votes

'SSHClient' object has no attribute 'Popen'

2 votes

Selenium webdriver unable to create a Firefox instance

2 votes

Python helicopter game does not update score

2 votes

python: bluetootherror: (111, 'connection refused')

2 votes

pygame does not close files after play

2 votes

Issue in connecting with JIRA python

2 votes

Convert a CSV/Excel file into and EXCEL file with formatting as table

1 vote

Mixed characters and digits date regex

1 vote

Possible to use Python as a database language?

1 vote

Trying to open a tab in my opened browser with selenium

1 vote

Pair IP addresses in a list pulled from xlrd

1 vote

How do I strip only the string part from a list in Python?

1 vote

Python web-scraping into csv

1 vote

how to make python write json read and write same file for each cicle

1 vote

Pythonic way to find the key associated with nested dictionary

1 vote

selenium: How to get page source code after clicking a button

1 vote

How to select a network interface for multicasting with python

1 vote

How to get the equivalent index of each case in 2 python lists

1 vote

How do I perform an operation on only the int part of lists?

1 vote

Newbie trying to scrape data and break it up

1 vote

Is it possible to start a Jupyter notebook on a boot?

1 vote

Destructing assignment order in Python

1 vote

OAuth1 Authentication of Rest API

1 vote

Python auto-numbering in headings to text [docx files]