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Ashark's user avatar
Student at Internet Resources
  • Member for 7 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
18 votes

Visual Studio Code keybindings - Running two or more commands with one shortcut

6 votes

Check Linux distribution name

4 votes

Telnet to login with username and password to mail Server

3 votes

NFS client under WSL - mount.nfs: No such device

2 votes

Is there a cmake function to update .pot files?

2 votes

Print code link into PyCharms console

2 votes

Semi-resizable widgets in PyQt

2 votes

Prevent asynchronous order of command sequence execution in VS Codium

2 votes

How to use keyboard shortcuts like Alt+D, E in Linux?

1 vote

How can I run the current file in PyCharm

1 vote

How to get absolute mouse cursor position in wayland

1 vote

Python indentation in "empty lines"

1 vote

have perl debugger not stop at first statement

1 vote

How to disable special naming convention inspection of PEP 8 in PyCharm?

1 vote

Delete opening and closing quotes (or brackets,braces,etc) at once

1 vote

QtCreator shortcut for enable/disable breakpoint

1 vote

Setup of Qt Creator to debug into Qt classes

1 vote

'git log' output encoding issues in Windows 10 CLI terminal

1 vote

Color escape codes in pretty printed columns

1 vote

Reuse a develop branch after merge

1 vote

How identify the primary video card on Linux programmatically?

1 vote

Is there a way to determine possible arguments for jar file?

0 votes

Saving full page content using Selenium

0 votes

How to detect type of compression used on the file? (if no file extension is specified)

0 votes

ERROR: could not insert module When load driver module on ubuntu 14.04

0 votes

Check if running on laptop or desktop chassis type in Python

0 votes

Import bash variables from a python script

0 votes

How do I switch to the active tab in Selenium?

0 votes

How do you see the return value from a function in the Python debugger, without an intermediate?

0 votes

Can PyCharm fold specific code zones marked with vim fold markers "{{{" and "}}}"