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Jake's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
47 votes

Update wordpress theme on ec2

23 votes

htaccess file somehow being cached?

20 votes

Gmail like file upload with jQuery

20 votes

Link to registration page in Wordpress

14 votes

P tag is not displayed in html editor (TinyMCE) for WordPress

13 votes

Customize the auto generation of Post Slug in Wordpress

7 votes

Javascript / webpack : how to concatenate all json files in directory with a custom loop over files

6 votes


3 votes

Create a html5 audio and play it doesn't work

2 votes

Unwanted Apache redirect from directory to file with same name

2 votes

How to Capture Szimek/Signature_Pad with PHP (Capture Javascript into PHP Variable)?

2 votes

How I can get account id and clientFolderId in icontact API

2 votes

Is there a way to get the password on a failed wordpress login?

2 votes

How to inform WordPress plugin users that a plugin has changed name?

1 vote

tinyMCE & wordpress giving odd characters... tried combination of solutions

1 vote

sIFR swf implementation problems

1 vote

how to rewrite the url in .htaceess in wordpress for this?

1 vote

Any downsides to using a CMS for a high-risk website?

1 vote

PHP, Check if URL and a file exists ?

1 vote

How to change WordPress installed blog path?

1 vote

function, constant or variable that holds full path to WP directory?

1 vote

Wordpress - How to customize a theme?

1 vote

Can I use wordpress templates on my own non-wordpress website?

1 vote

CSS Fixed sidebar

1 vote

Draggind data points and submitting values

1 vote

Custom post metabox with upload file button

1 vote

How do I call a react router 4 redirect outside of the render function?

1 vote

AWS graphQL error: "Variable 'input' has coerced Null value for NonNull type 'ID!'"

1 vote

How to create a new rest url prefix in Wordpress REST API?

1 vote

Override WP_SITEURL and WP_HOME for WordPress Multisite