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tgharold's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
6 votes

Are there any advantages to forking private repo on GitHub?

5 votes

How can I log to a specific file in linux using logger command?

5 votes

Optimize SVNAdmin Verify in SVN

4 votes

Turning on debug for the Spring Roo shell

4 votes

Is there AspectJ TypePattern for all classes (not interfaces)?

3 votes

How do you configure Grails Datasources Plugin to have a schema search path on a datasource?

2 votes

Quickly push-in refactor large number of Spring Roo generated methods in .aj files

2 votes

calculate checksum for a folder on windows and verify on linux

2 votes

GeneratedValue with oracle and hibernate does not work

2 votes

How I do rollback with spring roo?

2 votes

'git apply' failed with code 1: trailing whitespace in SourceTree

1 vote

Tortoise SVN use different accounts access different paths

1 vote

GIT: more than one developer working on the same feature

1 vote

Wrong commit during release:prepare and release:branch

1 vote

Ubuntu - alternative to Acronis True Image

1 vote

John the Ripper --rules option

1 vote

Best way to scan 500 thousand folders/files and output .txt with paths?

1 vote

how can I set permission for users with multiple repositories each, on svn?

1 vote

What to choose Spring ROO or Grails?

1 vote

Injection of autowired dependencies failed when trying to create a test

1 vote

Partial compile time weaving third party jar with maven

0 votes

Java enumerations with database support best practices

0 votes

How to modify the attributes of a returned object using AspectJ?

0 votes

Which assert method i can use to check whether an array of 1000 elements contains a particular element?

0 votes

TortoiseSVN: using ftp location as working copy

0 votes

bash script credentials for subversion

0 votes

How to setup junit to run with aspectJ

0 votes

maven for wurfl 1.4

0 votes

javadoc seems to treat class name in .aj file as package name

0 votes

What is the correct git workflow for my team?