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Yashovardhan99's user avatar
Yashovardhan99's user avatar
Data Engineer
  • Member for 7 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Cannot resolve findViewById in fragment

6 votes

Remove floating label hint text in TextInputLayout

3 votes

Stripe checkout integration in Android

3 votes

How to localize Google Play and App Store application links?

2 votes

Orientation on Jetpack Compose

2 votes

getContext() method returns null in fragment. Is it a good idea to keep the context in a variable? I want to understand the pros and cons

1 vote

How to find if user has enrolled any fingerprints

1 vote

Android Studio Palette/Component Tree

1 vote

How Android @Compose will handle screen size and orientation in Android

1 vote

Can I use an String array within split() to specifier delimiters?

1 vote

I am working on a project in which I have to transfer data like names and values from one activity

1 vote

IndexOutOfBound exception while inserting textview to Linearlayout

1 vote

stopping the user from forcing stop my app

1 vote

How to create java application without using any user defined class

1 vote

How to take multiple inputs from the user at a same time and line in java?

1 vote

Nested for loop inside do while to keep player's turns in order

1 vote

Add an assignment in a loop but cost extra 50% time in JAVA

1 vote

How to send data between windows and android without being on the same network and without internet?

0 votes

RadioButton and Switch Android

0 votes

How do I make app : in which authentication is based on fingerprints that are not saved on device?

0 votes

adding blank lines in a for loop java

0 votes

Java: Using arrays so make a short number to word code

0 votes

Keep ForegroundService alive When in Doze Mode

0 votes

Can we implement collapsing Toolbar behaviour in Bottom Appbar?

0 votes

Open all E-commerce apps using intent

0 votes

Action-Bar Back key not working

0 votes

How to not work Android intent-filter host from my domain?

0 votes

How to create intermittent dynamic progress bar with steps in Android?

0 votes

ERROR When Running Flutter App in Android Studio: Execution failed for task ':app:generateDebugBuildConfig'

0 votes

Issue with switch case in Recyclerview as it opens wrong activity when items are filtered