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Timothy L.J. Stewart's user avatar
Timothy L.J. Stewart's user avatar
Timothy L.J. Stewart
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
35 votes

Difference between sh and Bash

34 votes

How to remove entry from $PATH on mac

32 votes

df.drop if it exists

12 votes

What is the difference between the firmware and the operating system?

12 votes

What are the differences between git branch, fork, fetch, merge, rebase and clone?

11 votes

Why there are two ways to unstage a file in Git?

8 votes

Installing OpenMP on Mac OS X 10.11

7 votes

Working tree vs working directory

6 votes

Cleaning up old remote git branches

4 votes

How to paste in the line where the cursor is?

2 votes

Creating a branch from issue in GitLab

1 vote

Strange Errors on Archive Validation

0 votes

Connect two labels to one outlet

0 votes

Does the direction or order of a merge/rebase make a difference?