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Martin's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

google oauth2 suddenly failing with Malformed auth code error

2 votes

electron error; jQuery must be included before Bootstrap's JavaScript (it is)

1 vote

windows command prompt nodejs `npm i` unknown error

1 vote

electron auto-update for windows

1 vote

electron ffmpeg mas build "Illegal instruction: 4"

1 vote

Electron appx default electron icon used in start menu

1 vote

how to diagnose and fix a broken flac file

1 vote

docker mysql container exits after being started

1 vote

javascript chrome localStorage async using promises

1 vote

Sending JSON obj with Japanese characters from Python to Javascript

1 vote

node ffmpeg programmatically built list(?) of commands

0 votes

electron app fluent-ffmpeg " Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"

0 votes

add padding to ffmpeg slideshow images with different dimensions

0 votes

ffmpeg padding doesn't scale when changing resolution

0 votes

ffmpeg split by silence (with logic to achieve 12 split segments)

0 votes

error building ffmpeg on mac high sierra 10.13 "workspace/bin/ffmpeg': No such file or directory"

0 votes

How can I reinitialize a datatable in React?

0 votes

filter datatable by column for results within range ( on button click )

0 votes

django ajax request to same site path failing with 403 error

0 votes

cant install pip package

0 votes

spotipy spotify python api get all of an artist's releases

0 votes

cant run python package after uploading to pip

0 votes

Is it possible to record lossless audio in Web Browser (chrome)

0 votes

change selected value in msdropdown

0 votes

html display video file binary buffer

0 votes

cant run electron on win10 ubuntu subsystem

0 votes

nodejs puppeteer cant download image file with special characters in URL

-1 votes

built audacity on ubuntu, cant launch it

-1 votes

spotify api auth with postman 404 endpoint

-1 votes

electron-builder skipped macOS application code signing, reason=cannot find valid "Apple Distribution" identity