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Benjamin's user avatar
Benjamin's user avatar
self employed full stack developer at beck digitale medien
  • Member for 13 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Germany
14 votes

Newline symbol unicode character

9 votes

JavaScript Scale Text to Fit in Fixed Div

7 votes

TYPO3: How to use file upload with extbase?

5 votes

Cordova-CLI & PhoneGap-CLI do not see android sdk

5 votes

TYPO3 - content element image add svg image

4 votes

How can i make a image selection field with FLUX that is like the TYPO3-native image content type?

4 votes

CSS Fade Between Background Images on Hover

4 votes

Fancybox wrapper not auto-sizing correctly to image dimensions

2 votes

Simple Mail Confirmation in PHP

2 votes

StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle softdelete - How do I use it?

1 vote

Wrong like count from Facebook fql.query

1 vote

Pull, rebase, push, in one command (or just a few)

1 vote

How do I pass an array to a FLUIDTEMPLATE?

1 vote

Using TypoScriptFrontendController features in AuthenticationService? / Save Data to User in Authenticator?

1 vote

Create TYPO3 Fluid link for typolink fields generated by a link wizard

0 votes

HTML5 Video plays on iPhone iOS but not on Desktop Safari

0 votes

moved TYPO3 installation to a server at a different timezone - all dates offseted

0 votes

TYPO3: automatically cache new entries in extension

0 votes

How to keep TYPO3's RTE from adding an empty line before <ul>s

0 votes

In tx_news, how to set a "detail view" page for news depending on the pagetree

0 votes

how to properly manage triggered errors in PHP4

0 votes

PHP while loop not working

0 votes

extbase mapping to an existing table doesn't work

0 votes

silex form without twig

0 votes

Using a Twig Extension

0 votes

Slim, Twig - how to pass var to Twig to base template

0 votes

license and protect php script

0 votes

Prevent htmlspecialchars on variables in TYPO3 Fluid template

0 votes

TYPO3 multilanguage concept

0 votes

Chrome: how to remove url from autocomplete list