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Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
Trevor Boyd Smith
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
128 votes

How to redirect output of systemd service to a file

76 votes

What REALLY happens when you don't free after malloc before program termination?

45 votes

Does git store the read, write, execute permissions for files?

41 votes

What is the bash equivalent to Python's `if __name__ == '__main__'`?

28 votes

Is git stash branch-specific or for the whole repository?

25 votes

Signal processing library in Java?

22 votes

Why was Matlab written in C instead of Fortran?

18 votes

How to extract the decimal part from a floating point number in C?

16 votes

C++ Extract number from the middle of a string

10 votes

Is it valid to define a pure virtual signal in C++/Qt?

10 votes

array offset calculations in multi dimensional array (column vs row major)

9 votes

In Bash when creating a mutex, should I use `flock` or `mkdir`?

8 votes

Can I disable the bootstrap checks in Elasticsearch 5.4?

8 votes

Clean, efficient algorithm for wrapping integers in C++

8 votes

How can I get sizeof a vector::value_type?

7 votes

What to do if git-am fails with "does not match index"?

7 votes

undefined symbol: PyExc_ImportError when embedding Python in C

7 votes

Is it possible to `splice()` from a socket to a buffer with "zero-copy"?

7 votes

How to Compile for OS X in Linux or Windows?

7 votes

How do you fix `cmake .. && make install` "No rule to make target install"?

6 votes

What does the 9th commandment mean?

6 votes

how badly can c crash?

6 votes

How do you concatenate string in cmake

5 votes

How to include files outside of Docker's build context?

5 votes

When is "inline" ineffective? (in C)

5 votes

how do you configure `celery` to use serializer 'pickle'?

4 votes

What is the fastest way to transfer files over high latency and high bandwidth link?

4 votes

What is the fastest way to swap values in C?

4 votes

How to create separate library for include in C++/Eclipse

4 votes

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