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ccook's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • United States
16 votes

Pseudo Random Repeatable Sort in SQL Server (not NEWID() and not RAND())

10 votes

Do you plan move from ASP.Net Web Forms to ASP.Net MVC?

10 votes

CUDA / OpenCL within a Virtual Machine / Hypervisor

9 votes

Get app relative url from Request.Url.AbsolutePath

9 votes

MVC & RadioButtonList

7 votes

How can I get a username and password from my database in C#?

7 votes

Recursive Security Settings

6 votes

UMFPACK and BOOST's uBLAS Sparse Matrix

6 votes

Using Code Behind Model with MVC

6 votes

Do you prefer C# or Visual Basic .Net?

6 votes

How to solve this constrained nonlinear system of equations for positive values?

5 votes

How can I plot from a plot handler?

5 votes

SQL Server "Network Path Not Found" Randomly and Infrequently Occurring across Environments

5 votes

How can I create a product key for my C# application?

5 votes

Hidden Features of C#?

5 votes

Given an audio stream, find when a door slams (sound pressure level calculation?)

4 votes cookies, authentication and session timeouts

4 votes

Calculating Bandwidth

4 votes

Managing include directories in Eclipse CDT

4 votes

Using C# to retrieve data from a Google search

4 votes

Matrix of unknown length in MATLAB?

4 votes

Delaying the sending of emails in C#

4 votes

matlab export plot to vector format

3 votes

Matlab - solving a third order differential equation

3 votes

Select ASP.NET Web API Controller depending on route value (namespace)

3 votes

How to read arrays from file in C#

3 votes

Render image from a theme inside Orchard

3 votes

ASP.NET MVC page/subpage routing

2 votes

How do you get access to the current System.Web.Routing.RequestContext from within a custom helper method in ASP.NET MVC?

2 votes

HTTP status 403: Forbidden exception using certificate to authenticate ASP.NET web service