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kk.'s user avatar
Lead Developer at NHS Digital
  • Member for 9 years
  • Last seen this week
45 votes

Why can't I delete a branch in a remote GitLab repository?

22 votes

Spring core. Default @Bean destroy method

22 votes

Error not found: git when install npm package on windows

21 votes

How can I change the url for a project in GitLab?

18 votes

"Where clause" is not working in AWS Athena

10 votes

If else condition cloudformation

9 votes

Spring Boot: Is it possible to use external files in arbitrary directories with a fat jar?

5 votes

NoClassDefFoundError: org/hibernate/boot/MetadataBuilder

4 votes

Eclipse .project missing

4 votes

Swagger 2 integration with Spring boot application

3 votes

How to mock HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects?

3 votes

Why each subsequent log entry is repeated (using java.util.logging)?

2 votes

Can use AWS CLI with credentials file but not with environment variables

2 votes

Runtime Error During Sorting in JAVA

2 votes

Spring @ControllerAdvice doesn't work

2 votes

Thymeleaf & Spring @RequestParam: cannot pass a field value to the url

2 votes

Having Trouble with Changing the Value of a Field in Java

2 votes

Variable not incrementing in jQuery / JS?

1 vote

Basic recursion with if else statement (java)

1 vote

Spring social facebook unable to decode the information being sent from facebook access token URI

1 vote

Java - Write a condition for a classes method that ensures only some items of a HashMap can be used.

1 vote

First stub is called when adding an additional stub

1 vote

Exception Class not working

1 vote

How to suppress unchecked class warning

1 vote

Is it bad practice to use entity objects across all layers of a web application?

1 vote

JavaFX ConcurrentModificationException withouth (knowingly) implemtented threads

1 vote

order in multi-catch exception handler

1 vote

jQuery DataTables fnCreatedCell not being called

1 vote

read a string in JSON format in JAVA

1 vote

How to include dependency jar files into jar file