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a3y3's user avatar
Software Engineer, Visa
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
5 votes

rails4 add friendly_id has wrong undefined method `slug' for

5 votes

how do I choose number of threads for Executor

4 votes

why is devise not sending email via gmail smtp?

3 votes

Whenever gem how to work on windows system?

2 votes

Change default URL to in Rails 4

2 votes

Case insensitive matching in Rails .where() clause

2 votes

Why do String::from(&str) and &str.to_string() behave differently in Rust?

2 votes

Docker containers on WSL2 don't get added to the bridge network

2 votes

How do I use Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (WSL) for my VS Code terminal?

1 vote

Heroku hangs during migrate with strange pg_advisory_unlock

1 vote

Is it possible to deploy services in parallel to Google App Engine?

1 vote

How to use visual studio code to debug django

0 votes

rails4.2.8 carrierwave+mini_magick+Jcrop, failed to upload picture

0 votes

Rails carrierwave+Jcrop crop picture with Bootstrap Modal

0 votes

Whenever gem cronjob on a particular time based on model

0 votes

POST to API with Form rails?

0 votes

Missing Partial for render in rails

0 votes

How to print in rails after a create api is called from an android

0 votes

Run with custom database configuration

0 votes

Using Rails update_all method to update fields with value from another column

0 votes

Why do I need source port on UDP

0 votes

Ahoy Ruby on Rails- join tables (Visit and Event)

0 votes

Heroku rails assets fingerprint

0 votes

How to preserve log scopes for unhandled exceptions?

0 votes

Why can't I pass this test of MIT6.824?

-1 votes

Rails - Old cron job keeps running, can't delete it

-1 votes

How to test/simulate broken database connection