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RagingRoosevelt's user avatar
RagingRoosevelt's user avatar
Data Science Team Lead at Daimler Trucks North America
  • Member for 9 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
41 votes

Print sample set of columns from dataframe in Pandas?

15 votes

How to check dimensions of a numpy array?

6 votes

%s without accompanying variable - how does this work?

6 votes

How to display picture and get mouse click coordinate on it

5 votes

Convert a list of integer to a list of predefined strings in Python

5 votes

Why can't I get the type of a Pandas cell from a function?

3 votes

How to manually pass values to a Prediction Model in Python?

3 votes

Python - Writing to CSV files and for loops

2 votes

Install Python module easygui on Ubuntu 16.04 without Pip or

2 votes

Python gives me different outputs if I add a print() later on

2 votes

Not quite understanding how to preform a request of googles servers with python requests

2 votes

How can I change an object's argument without having to create a new object?

2 votes

How to reduce parameters needed in recursive function definition (for calculation of a*b)

2 votes

Python: How to recognise raised exception as an error and pass it through an except statement

2 votes

Filter dataframe with dictionary values while assigning dictionary keys to matching rows?

2 votes

Get an average value of a property from a list of objects

2 votes

Function that returns the closest number to B that's in an UNSORTED multidimensional array, A?

2 votes

Jupyter lab incorrectly uses base python executable, jupyter notebook correctly uses venv executable?

2 votes

How to append values to a list in a dictionary while using a while loop?

2 votes

How to match text in two different file and extract values

1 vote

OpenSCAD - what is a node?

1 vote

Activate a conda environment in web.config for IIS webserver

1 vote

Anaconda Environment - SKLearn Functions are Present but can't Import

1 vote

Change datetime into integer

1 vote

Linked lists and recursion in python

1 vote

"Error loading dependencies" when using some dcc elements in corporate IE and Chrome

1 vote

Subtraction of one string values from another string values

1 vote

Block tridiagonal matrices, how to program this kind of matrix?

1 vote

shortest single trip in the graph

1 vote

PackageNotFoundError: Packages missing in current channels: