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Adam A's user avatar
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Adam A's user avatar
Adam A
  • Member for 15 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
636 votes

Move branch pointer to different commit without checkout

464 votes

WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY

10 votes

How to wait for ajax validation to complete before submitting a form?

7 votes

Can't seem to change value of text input with jQuery

6 votes

How to invoke $(document).ready(function() {}) in unit testing

6 votes

How to set the last-clicked anchor to be a different color from all other links?

4 votes

Comparing performance - htc vs jQuery

4 votes

Unrecognized Feature: web-share (Youtube, Chrome)

3 votes

Why doesn't Slack format my <!date> message?

3 votes

Jquery ambiguous ajax error

3 votes

Submit form with JQuery and then load results from external page into DIV

3 votes

Nesting content in user controls

2 votes

How can I upgrade Windows Installer from inside an MSI (using WiX)? Is it possible?

2 votes

Playwright selecting element with text= or hastext with exact match

2 votes

How to find a JavaScript variable's transitive usage through function calls?

1 vote

jQuery draggable element

1 vote

C# DragEnter event of the Winforms DragDrop

1 vote

Outlook 2003 - Add an icon column to a View?

1 vote

multiple form validation

1 vote

need suggestions on jquery plugin for rounded corners

1 vote

Using thread.join to make sure all threads in a collection execute before moving on

1 vote

How can I access a GridView on a page from a control on a Page?

0 votes

How Can I Send Multiple Events To an Outlook 2003 Calendar in 3 or less clicks?

0 votes

What's the difference between an id and a class?

0 votes

IIS Recompile ASP NET websites

0 votes

How to build an ActiveX object in C++ that can be scripted using Javascript

0 votes

Simple JavaScript drag and drop witout the help of a library

0 votes

How Can I Make the XmlIgnore Attribute Method-Specific in a WebService (ASP.Net)?

0 votes

How Does One Go About Saving an Aggregate (Parent and Children) in a Repository?

0 votes

How do find out what libraries a windows exe uses?