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Anwar's user avatar
Anwar's user avatar
Fullstack developper @ Partoo
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
18 votes

Laravel mail: pass string instead of view

18 votes

Composer/PSR - How to autoload functions?

18 votes

Stock management database design

12 votes

Clip long text inside HTML table cells, show entire content on hover

9 votes

Laravel migration with SQLite 'Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL'

7 votes

Get battery level JavaScript

5 votes

Form sends GET instead of POST

5 votes

Applying border-right to all elements except the last one

5 votes

Click events on Pie Charts in Chart.js

5 votes

display image from storage laravel 5.3

5 votes

Laravel 5 how to set Cache-Control HTTP header globally?

5 votes

Wait for VueX value to load, before loading component

4 votes

Can I use a Gulp task with multiple sources and multiple destinations?

4 votes

DateTime period issues

4 votes

Can CSS values changed relatively?

3 votes

Why there is no horizontal scrollbar for select in firefox

3 votes

How to get the current page URL using Javascript and using it in a <a href="[the_URL]">

3 votes

Form inputs with sweet alert and jquery

3 votes

If statement inside array?

3 votes

How to wait until an element exists?

3 votes

Selected options in multi select based on old() OR existing data

2 votes

How to convert mysql query to laravel query builder?

2 votes

How to stop execution of PHP script when a certain condition is met in IF statement?

2 votes

Create topic for category with CRUD resource concept of Laravel

2 votes

Vertical align text in block element

2 votes

Including Gloobal variable inside function php

2 votes

How to ensure unique ID in Laravel Blade?

2 votes

Textbox which should have both Autocomplete and able to type our text

2 votes

Resizing Browser Window

2 votes

Getting elements to change color individually

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