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Igor Popov's user avatar
Igor Popov
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
88 votes

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76 votes

How can I discard modified files?

59 votes

Is there a way to know by which Python version the .pyc file was compiled?

42 votes

Why should I use Hamcrest matcher and assertThat() instead of traditional assertXXX() methods?

42 votes

Merge DLL into EXE?

10 votes

how to share odt/doc documents over git

8 votes

Running Command Line in Java

8 votes

What's the easiest way (language, tools, etc) to write quick-n-dirty ad-hoc GUI apps in Linux?

8 votes

How to find thousands of company names?

7 votes

Export a local git

6 votes

Migrating from Subversion to Git

6 votes

How can git be configured to ignore files?

5 votes

Uploading a empty folder to github

5 votes

How do I recover a deleted fork in GitHub?

4 votes

Reading variables from text files

4 votes

Parsing text file for calculations

4 votes

How do I evaluate this equation?

4 votes

How to link existing local source with NO local git repo to a remote git repo

3 votes

Permission denied starting Eclipse on Ubuntu

3 votes

Resources for learning Python after having experience in C/C++

3 votes

Can I code for Visual C++ and Visual Basic on Ubuntu?

3 votes

How to instruct Eclipse to record relative paths of the external jars?

3 votes

What are some FOSS libraries for reading epub, mobi, pdf, or other eBook formats for Android or Java?

3 votes

Powershell: How to use Invoke-Command and dot sourcing at the same time?

3 votes

Where is the sql Database?

3 votes

GIT: Should I commit output files (like *.exe, *.lib) when project in a stable revision?

3 votes

How delete all pushable commits?

3 votes

how to get git commit history for a subfolder and all files under the folder ONLY?

2 votes

Understanding GIT workflow a little better

2 votes

Is it possible to securely delete a repository from Github