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Cort Ammon's user avatar
Cort Ammon
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
89 votes

What are the differences between a pointer variable and a reference variable?

86 votes

Why design a language with unique anonymous types?

71 votes

Which is more efficient, basic mutex lock or atomic integer?

45 votes

Is declaration of variables expensive?

42 votes

Why should I always enable compiler warnings?

40 votes

Threadsafe lazy initialization: static vs std::call_once vs double checked locking

21 votes

Passing shared_ptr to lambda by value leaks memory

16 votes

Is it possible for a missing #include to break the program at runtime?

16 votes

Is it OK for a class constructor to block forever?

14 votes

RAII vs. Garbage Collector

13 votes

Is there a limit to the number of nested 'for' loops?

13 votes

What is the address of a function in a C++ program?

11 votes

Why are types always a certain size no matter its value?

11 votes

C++ struct member functions definitions have differences if they are defined outside the struct body ?

11 votes

What does `std::kill_dependency` do, and why would I want to use it?

10 votes

in the character pointer array str what is the meaning of str+i as well as str[i]

9 votes

Is using non standard English characters in c# names a bad practice?

9 votes

Is the order of evaluation with comma operator & assignment in C predictable?

9 votes

Stuffing a -1 in a pointer as a special value

9 votes

C++ references - are they just syntactic sugar?

8 votes

Scope of a 'for' loop at declaration of a variable

7 votes

What is the difference between a variable, object, and reference?

7 votes

Return value optimization for string_view inside shared_ptr

7 votes

What's the difference between unique_lock and shared_lock in C++

7 votes

Why is the complexity of BFS O(V+E) instead of O(E)?

7 votes

When RAII is not an option, how to ensure a function is called before end of scope of an object?

6 votes

Is the difference between the addresses of a function's parameters always 4 bytes?

6 votes

Simple C++ multithreading example is slower

6 votes

At what point in the loop does integer overflow become undefined behavior?

6 votes

in C++, how to make sure that one object is constructed before another object ?

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