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user2568374's user avatar
user2568374's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
6 votes

Eclipse - Can't View or Open Java files in Package Explorer to Editor

4 votes

GitHub "can't automatically merge"?

1 vote

Mongo - Remove Array Element with $pull Does Not Work With $nin (does not exist)

0 votes

XPath Parsing Specific Nodes

0 votes

XPath NodeList Values are Empty

0 votes

Java - Grouping Array into smaller Arrays

0 votes

How to Convert XPath Nodelist Attributes to Strings

0 votes

Fix Java Imports in Eclipse

0 votes

Creating File View Projects in Eclipse

0 votes

Github authentication message when using commands in terminal

0 votes

Git: cannot checkout branch - error: pathspec '...' did not match any file(s) known to git

0 votes

Regex Expression is missing a day for dd/MM/yyyy

0 votes

How: Move Selected Text To Left on Mac

0 votes

How to clone HashMap with a set of classes in Java

0 votes

Eclipse gives "Task List Indexer" has encountered.." error message

0 votes

MySql Query rows that same values in 2 columns

0 votes

Mongo Query with distinct + Like

0 votes

Mongo Query for 2 values in array list in a document field

0 votes

How to modify a single element in an array of objects?

0 votes

NSIS Installer MUI_HEADER_TEXT - Can part of this be bold font?

0 votes

Can't create macro in Visual Studio 2010

-1 votes

Git Ignore File - How