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aercolino's user avatar
aercolino's user avatar
Code Surgeon
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
74 votes

How can I search for slash (\) in MySQL? And why is escaping (\) not required for where (=), but for Like it is required?

30 votes

How to get all registered routes in Express?

13 votes

How can I drop all tables with Sequelize.js using postgresql?

11 votes

How can I sort YAML files?

11 votes

Uninstall all installed gems, in OSX?

8 votes

Eslint does not allow static class properties

7 votes

How to import external modules inside of a loop in TypeScript?

5 votes

shouldn't PHP array recursion throw an error?

5 votes

Why is the slash an escapable character in JSON?

5 votes

What is the difference between Mongoose toObject and toJSON?

4 votes

How to run _update elasticsearch with external script

3 votes

Stylus syntax - where do imports come from?

2 votes

Visual Studio Code. Error while turning on Settings Sync: Authentication failed

2 votes

GitLab remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied and fatal Authentication

2 votes

How to undo bundle install?

2 votes

Ruby, Rails: mysql2 gem, does somebody use this gem? Is it stable?

1 vote

Schema in Symfony/Doctrine

1 vote

how can I download a file with Zend_Http_Client or other library

1 vote

How to search for a part of a string in an array?

1 vote

Set cookie sameSite in Play framework 2.3

1 vote

Is browser zoom in/out same as different screen sizes?

0 votes

Avoiding cyclic dependencies when using Sequelize with TypeScript

0 votes

How to Prevent Hotlinking by Using AWS WAF

0 votes

How do I add an internal style sheet (not inline) at run time in Angular?

0 votes

get the max heap size of a node.js application

0 votes

How do I move the .git folder to a parent folder without losing history?

0 votes

How can I move HEAD back to a previous location? (Detached head) & Undo commits

0 votes

Removing object properties with Lodash

0 votes

Sequelize.js: join tables without associations

0 votes

Async getter/setter in Sequelize as part of a property