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IamK's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • Hungary
38 votes

Nginx multiple server blocks listening to same port

12 votes

How to download a folder from github?

12 votes

ufw seems not to block all ports (Ubuntu with Docker)

8 votes

Copy changes from one branch to another

7 votes

How to specify where to push using docker buildx build command

6 votes

Is there a way to make this more clean looking?

6 votes

How to restrict the parameter of a method to a specific set of values?

5 votes

ListBox multiple Selection get all selected values

4 votes

Is it possible to use bridge network when running Docker in Rootless mode?

4 votes

docker-compose failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc

4 votes

Why do we need nginx to dockerize React apps?

3 votes

Is it safe to make source code containing an API key publically available?

3 votes

How to make inverse properties in ef core not return null but empty list

3 votes

ImportError: No module named examples.tutorials.mnist

3 votes

How to stop a while loop? C#

3 votes

Loops in C++ (while)

3 votes

Column 'user' in group statement is ambiguous

2 votes

SQL Query Help (Joining two tables)

2 votes

Select all the (varied number of ) rows with the latest date

2 votes

How to make a man page for my shell script?

2 votes

how to open a cmd shell in windows and issue commands to that shell using python

2 votes

How to continue in Git after closing terminal?

2 votes

How to communicate with switch EKI-1526 and electric meter using c#

2 votes

Issue with Docker compose and Kestrel in 6.0 app

2 votes

docker-compose.yml not found - error on build

2 votes

How can I read a dbase4 encoded file in the easiest way with C#? I have tried with OleDB but got a lot of errors

2 votes

Running docker container inside docker container

2 votes

when dowlnoading files why the names on the hard disk are test01 then test11 test21 test31 test41 test51 test61 and not test1 test2 test3?

2 votes

How to use FileDialog to select either specific files names extensions or all the files?

1 vote

docker nginx django gunicorn not serving static files in production

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