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prewett's user avatar
prewett's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
23 votes

Detect existence of camera in iPhone app?

18 votes

Generate your own Error code in swift 3

7 votes

Linux: Library to write ID3v2 data and cover art

6 votes

determining ios camera aspect ratio

5 votes

Which macro to wrap Mac OS X specific code in C/C++

5 votes

How to set a window as the current one

4 votes

Setup of Qt Creator to debug into Qt classes

3 votes

How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

3 votes

How to maximize Emacs on Windows at startup?

3 votes

Simplest way to get a complete list of all the UTF-8 whitespace characters in PHP

3 votes

Is there any way to pass an anonymous array as an argument in C++?

3 votes

How many bytes does one Unicode character take?

3 votes

How to get an NSDocument subclass to print custom views

3 votes

How can I specify the format of AVAudioEngine Mic-Input?

2 votes

Setting the application icon for OSX in Qt Creator

2 votes

What other ways can I draw the outline of an object?

2 votes

Getting the page sizes of a PostScript document

2 votes

Navigation stack becomes unusable after canceling iOS 7 back swipe gesture

2 votes

iOS - Notification of when a call is taking place?

2 votes

Sample rate for iPhone audio recording

1 vote

Complex shape character outline

1 vote

How to dismiss own view controller and present another view controller in a button tap?

1 vote

inline-block element with no text renders differently

1 vote

How to Debug Android application line by line using Eclipse?

1 vote

Parsing date with timezone from an email?

1 vote

Programmatically Lighten a Color

1 vote

whats the height of uitextfield in xcode (iphone)

1 vote

AVAudioEngine downsample issue

1 vote

Stencil Buffer Mesh Outlining in ThreeJS

1 vote

iOS/Swift: Record audio with 16khz on every hardware using AVAudioEngine