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Cyrille Pontvieux's user avatar
Cyrille Pontvieux's user avatar
Cyrille Pontvieux
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
41 votes

How do I copy an entire directory of files into an existing directory using Python?

14 votes

Defining a Python enum in a C extension - am I doing this right?

9 votes

Resolve systemd alias (service name)

8 votes

Get value of enum by reflection

7 votes

pytest: run test from code, not from command line

6 votes

How does Python know the datatype of a variable?

5 votes

Is there a faster way to clean out control characters in a file?

4 votes

Change layout of django-filter form

3 votes

perl style Function Templates in python

3 votes

docker-compose how to persist mongodb-database

3 votes

Dockerfile with ARG to FROM

2 votes

Rename files in multiple subfolders

2 votes

JavaScript arrays and understanding arr[arr.length]

2 votes

Accessing nested array in javascript?

2 votes

How to switch numbers and characters location in a string in python?

2 votes

Problem with the User and Group inside a container

2 votes

How to select path with the latest version number when using glob in Python?

2 votes

Split multiple string and concat certain string python

2 votes

Regex for testing that a docker image name is prefixed with a registry?

2 votes

Break consecutive for loops after n iterations

2 votes

Is there an easy way to squash many commits in git?

2 votes

Cannot define empty environment variable with Pipenv .env file in Windows 10

2 votes

android - Include a xml layout from another package

2 votes

Django __str__ with multiple elements

2 votes

Why do Python metaclasses prohibit passing paramters to the __init__ method?

2 votes

Why is fixuid refusing to change the UID/GID?

2 votes

Release Installer Object after using comtypes.client.CreateObject()

2 votes

Mock testing with nested function changes

2 votes

Filter schema-less json object in GraphQL

1 vote

Compare a Column value to different columns and return a value from same row but different column using Python Pandas