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Paul Dreyer's user avatar
Paul Dreyer
  • Member for 2 years
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

How to filer an array of objects and return only one object based on a specific value

2 votes

how do I check if input is a number using regular expression?

1 vote

How to add client_IP to the response header in Kong apigateway

1 vote

Decrement value by javascript variable inside the css property

1 vote

Group multiple fields in JSON data

1 vote

How to update nested object state in React

1 vote

React not recognizing changed state from input boxes on first render

1 vote

NodeJS - Find a given file by name and ext regardless of location, from inside a working directory (Closed)

1 vote

Split multiple value in Array & create new array for split value in Java script

1 vote

UseEffect, Re-run on state change?

0 votes

Using Kong's key-auth and session plugin together

0 votes

How can I replace Kong Error to a custom text?

0 votes

Webpack 5 ModuleFederationPlugin - Load JS-File during runtime

0 votes

Webpack Module Federation React dynamic import

0 votes

How to call and store process asynchronously NodeJS

0 votes

Convert nested Array of Objects to one dimensional Array of Objects Javascript/React