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Obay's user avatar
Obay's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
12 votes

Can someone spot the error with this array?

7 votes

extract sound from a fla

6 votes

how to save page source in a php variable?

5 votes

facebook getLogoutUrl returns a URL with access_token=0, when clicked redirects to Facebook user's home page

3 votes

How to change the value of two hidden fields with the same id and name jquery?

3 votes

Does PHP have short-circuit evaluation?

3 votes

Codeigniter 3 - Access Session from Outside Codeigniter Installation

2 votes

Laravel - Eager Loading - Trying to get property of non-object

2 votes

laravel authorization @can directive always fails

1 vote

How to shim HttpWebRequest Headers?

1 vote

how to change array format

1 vote

Popup window on youtube api event

1 vote

JQuery UI datepicker how to show next prev arrows for month navigation?

1 vote

How to input SQL query from command line, and retrieve output in simpler format

0 votes

in Node.js, how to get set-cookie value in a <meta http-equiv> tag

0 votes

how to make Facebook Login Button's onlogin call a function not in window object

0 votes

Jquery delay or settime out in this

0 votes

mysql and php command sometimes doesnt post. Could it be because of my body?

0 votes

Break in and out of php

0 votes

Implode array of values as well as its keys

0 votes

cannot bake CakePHP - permission denied while setting chmod +x for cake/console/cake - on NTFS mounted partition

0 votes

wrap phpThumb in a CodeIgniter controller method