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AlexChaffee's user avatar
AlexChaffee's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
99 votes

ActiveRecord Arel OR condition

81 votes

What is the difference between docker-machine and docker-compose?

36 votes

Pagination in CouchDB?

35 votes

jQuery JSON to string?

22 votes

Is it possible to sort a list of objects depending on the individual object's response to a method?

21 votes

Make Git automatically remove trailing white space before committing

16 votes

How to get a single character without pressing enter?

16 votes

How to delete iCloud documents?

16 votes

Retrieve data from a ReadableStream object?

14 votes

How to get synchronous readline, or "simulate" it using async, in nodejs?

14 votes

Validate words against an English dictionary in Rails?

13 votes

Ruby private and public accessors

9 votes

Template language that works on both server and client

9 votes

Accurate timing in iOS

8 votes

How can I parse a string to extract numbers with a regular expression using NSRegularExpression?

8 votes

String "true" and "false" to boolean

6 votes

Rails.cache error in Rails 3.1 - TypeError: can't dump hash with default proc

6 votes

How do I see the whole HTTP request in Rails

6 votes

What are the Ruby Gotchas a newbie should be warned about?

6 votes

Can I get the ID of my sidekiq worker inside the worker?

5 votes

How to provide a prepared git commit message?

5 votes

How do I add information to an exception message in Ruby?

4 votes

Rails plugin to run migrations on startup?

4 votes

Ruby off the rails

4 votes

How can I get Sinatra to deliver Markdown as HTML as well as the source code as plain text?

4 votes

How do I style radio buttons with images - laughing smiley for good, sad smiley for bad?

3 votes

How can I use Array#delete while iterating over the array?

3 votes

Confusion with `nil` output when using `Symbol#<=>` in Ruby

3 votes

Rails way to reset seed on id field

3 votes

UIView overriding drawRect causes view not to obey masksToBounds