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Beach Chicken's user avatar
Beach Chicken
  • Member for 11 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

mysql add columns and write the result in the same table

2 votes

Adding a calculated date column to a MySQL dataset

2 votes

restarting MySQL on ubuntu after changing sql mode

1 vote

Are composite unique keys indexed in MySQL?

1 vote

Inserting data from local infile into MySQL. Changed local_infile but still getting error

1 vote

Set values in more input fields

1 vote

SQL Code works fine on an online compiler but fails when compiled by MariaDB in Linux Terminal (errno: 150)

1 vote

Unknown error in my MySQL query. Could you help me?

1 vote

Using GROUP BY with MAX()/MIN() giving bad results

0 votes

Replace conditional subquery in Order By (Performance consideration)

0 votes

phpMyAdmin is showing error when viewing a table

0 votes

.htacces: page got called multiple times

0 votes

Terminal, MySQL how to quit insert mode?

0 votes

Doctrine cannot map entity/repository namespace in chain

0 votes

Why does InnoDB block more records in case of a secondary index?

0 votes

Percentage calculus based on multiple tables in sql

0 votes

MySQL extremely slow on a very simple query