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  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
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504 votes

How to calculate the SVG Path for an arc (of a circle)

293 votes

How to clear basic authentication details in chrome

123 votes

Rails: How to change the title of a page?

103 votes

How to animate/transition text value change in SwiftUI

74 votes

Removing all empty elements from a hash / YAML?

69 votes

Ruby - Get request body from incoming http call

45 votes

How do I do basic authentication with RestClient?

44 votes

How do you do a Rails 3 select IN using where clauses

42 votes

Custom authentication strategy for devise

40 votes

How to create has_and_belongs_to_many associations in Factory girl

38 votes

AWK: Access captured group from line pattern

25 votes

Scope constants to an rspec context

22 votes

One liner nested hash creation in Ruby? (I come from Perl)

21 votes

Capturing Groups From a Grep RegEx

20 votes

Search git history for a change in a merge commit

19 votes

Alternative to switch statement in SwiftUI ViewBuilder block?

19 votes

Capybara webkit invalid response error, how to debug?

13 votes

Rails Observer Alternatives for 4.0

11 votes

How to Write hyperlinks using spreadsheet gem in Ruby?

11 votes

puts doesn't print stuff to console

7 votes

Aggregate cover_me results for rspec and cucumber

7 votes

Custom to_yaml and domain_type

7 votes

how to chain where query in rails 3 active record

5 votes

Rails 3, shallow routes

3 votes

How to kill resque workers on Heroku?

3 votes

Converting Rspec mocks to Mocha for testing active-model-serializers

3 votes

Ember with jquery file upload

3 votes

Invalid code signature due to inadequate entitlements

3 votes

Mock different answers and exceptions after several calls with Mocktail

3 votes

Should I be using interfaces like this?