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earth_tom's user avatar
earth_tom's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Florida, USA
9 votes

Modulus division returns an integer?

9 votes

jQuery load multiple html files in one element

6 votes

How do I configure my ASP.NET directory to allow writing a log file?

4 votes

How to make a PDF downloadable so it doesn't open up in new window

4 votes

Debugger stops when there is no breakpoint VS2010

4 votes

Check if several booleans have the same value

4 votes

Session variables from form not showing on next page

3 votes

Database Design For Image Table

3 votes

Sharing stored procedure across database using synonyms

2 votes

How to add new fields to TreeNode object?

2 votes

Angular doesn't update page with cache enabled

1 vote

checking image height/width in PHP

1 vote

XSLT format-number function not formatting

1 vote

Precheck for long SQL statement

1 vote

Get data from HTML child class

1 vote

Getting a certain decimal length from a model

1 vote

MySQL conditional ORDER BY ASC/DESC for date column

1 vote

Specific regex function

0 votes

Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server from Visual Basic

0 votes

failing to define an array key with a value of false

0 votes

Inserting data from multiple form fields which are the same

0 votes

PHP: strlen help. I need to display only 100 characters of a string then a hyperlink

0 votes

Image not loading after reloading the page

0 votes

Differences in some filenames case after uploading to Amazon S3

0 votes

Is there an error in my code or does it have to do with my Firefox 12 browser?

0 votes

Jquery, accessing data from a click within a function

0 votes

replacing characters with escape in a javascript string

0 votes

How to hold current date in cache, yet not compromise efficiency -

0 votes

Rounded decimal truncating small values - rounding up

0 votes

Reading attribute of XML declaration in C#