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styke's user avatar
styke's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

How to run a JavaScript function after x seconds

6 votes

Detecting the stock android browser with PHP?

6 votes

Using Jquery to get numeric value which is in between "/" in link

2 votes

background image not showing on mobile device properly

2 votes

Background size 100% auto not working in IE 10

2 votes

Gulp sass not defining variables & mixins across all imports?

1 vote

Typescript/React - destructuring from this.state throws error

1 vote

Jquery get size of window and apply to div css and adjust on browser resize

1 vote

Can't remove index.php from codeigniter site URL?

1 vote

Handling redirects with Codeigniter and jQuery mobile?

1 vote

z-index when nesting custom elements seems to get a new stacking context. Why?

1 vote

how to get these two div's side by side in this container

1 vote

Centering a fixed width element that's wider than a fluid parent?

0 votes

Redirection to Mobile Webpage

0 votes

Is it possible to inspect a Meteor/Cordova iOS app?

0 votes

Can you call a saga and continue execution only when a different saga is finished?

0 votes

AngularJS access further details by matching ids

0 votes

Any way to cap download speeds from localhost?

0 votes

Javascript game trouble

0 votes

Javascript returning element with different styling?

-2 votes

Get last element of Array