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patataskr's user avatar
Human @ Psily
  • Member for 5 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

How to install latest version of tensorflow on Kaggle?

1 vote

Unable to resolve the ValueError: The create_choropleth figure factory requires the plotly-geo package

1 vote

Invariant Violation: Tried to register two views with the same name RNCSafeAreaProvider error with @react-navigation/stack

1 vote

Property 'format' does not exist on type 'Duration'

1 vote

Amplify EAS Metro config migration blockList

0 votes

Add SVG as background to React Navigation tabBar React Native

0 votes

Can I add a select input type on AWS Amplify sign up form?

0 votes

Amplify: Expo Could not connect to development server

0 votes

ERROR:root:Internal Python error in the inspect module while installing Tensorflow

0 votes

Send graphQL mutation based on DynamoDb stream with NodeJS

0 votes

Passing array of objects into AWS Amplify GraphQL API mutation

0 votes

Amplify React Native - Duplicate Error using amplify add api

0 votes

Need help figuring out my data manipulation/prop passing React-Native/react-native-calendars

0 votes

State in useEffect undefined after the useEffect sets the state?

-1 votes

Is there a way to reference a relative path without writing the actual path?