**method 1** if you have many commits

`git rebase -i master`    then press keyboard 'i' to edit

you will see like this:

    pick etc1
    pick etc2
    pick etc2

replace the word pick with `'f'` and press `esc y :wq`

    pick etc1 //this commit will the one commit
    f etc2
    f etc2

and press this command

    git push origin +head

**method 2** if you have few commits
you can do this to delete a commit, you need to do same for delete your second commit and so on

    git reset --soft HEAD^1 // or git reset --soft head~1
    git commit --amend //then press `:wq` 
    git push -f

**method 3** if you already have one commit and you dont want submit another commit more

    git add files...
    git commit --amend  //then press `:wq`
    git push origin +head