You can't get `Get-ScheduledTask` at windows 2008 R2 as it was introduced for Windows 2012 and nobody backported it.  For more see the link at [github][1].

The comment that describes the situation the best is:

> Hi @dronkoff - This module is supported on PS 4.0. However, the
> problem isn't in the version of PowerShell. The issue is that the
> ScheduledTasks module, which this resource depends on, is not built
> into Windows Server 2008R2. It was first included in Windows Server
> 2012.
> This is the case with many of the PowerShell modules: They are missing
> from older versions of Windows (Networking for example). In the odd
> occasion there is an easy work around. However in this case converting
> the resource over to use schtasks.exe is not possible without a
> complete rewrite and would probably result in something really
> unstable and buggy (not to mention the problems that would arise with
> different localized versions of schtasks). I really can't see this
> happening unfortunately (unless someone else from the community has
> some ideas on how to do this).
> But you are correct, this should be mentioned that Windows Server
> 2008R2 is not currently supported.

The workaround

The way around it, is to use `schtask` with correct switches.

If you have it in the `Microsoft` folder as I have it in the example you just need to run:

    schtasks /tn \Microsoft\ServiceNow /query /fo LIST

The output:

    Folder: \Microsoft
    HostName:      XXXXXACL06
    TaskName:      \Microsoft\ServiceNow
    Next Run Time: 7/4/2018 8:16:22 AM
    Status:        Ready
    Logon Mode:    Interactive only

If you want more details you can use the `/v` (verbose) switch:

    schtasks /tn \Microsoft\ServiceNow /query /v > service_now_details.txt
